Sleepy Time!

It has come to that time in the semester where I hit my brick wall. The point in time where I just want to get in and bed and no nothing. Winter just keeps dragging on and the weather is wet and miserable. Sadly, when it comes time for me to go to bed, I just don’t want to go to sleep.It seems that I am so tired that I would just drift right off, but it doesn’t seem to work that way. If I am having this problem, I know I am not the only one! Every year people across the world spend millions of dollars on ways to fall asleep better. When racking my brain on how I could fix this problem, I got onto Pinterest and of course was able to find this awesome infographic on the topic.What have I been doing personally to solve this problem? One, I love to drink sleepy time tea before bed. It is something this not very expensive, and tastes great. There are several different varieties to choose from and you can add honey for a little sweetness. The other thing that I like to do is look at what time is best for me to go to sleep. How do you do this you ask, just type in what time you want to get up in the morning into this website. It is a life saver and you really can tell the difference. 


Comm Blog #6

One of the first times I remember using a computer was before I even went to school. My mom was a kindergarten teacher at the so she was always in the know about knew technologies through her work. After using them in the classroom with her students, it was only a matter of time before we had a home computer. I can remember how big and bulky it was. The desk we had it on seemed to take up half of our living room. One of the first things that I ever did on there was to change the background screen, boy did I think I was special. Soon after, my pre-school mind was not entertained anymore so, mom bought be a game. It was a Rugrats game about getting ready for kindergarten. Because my mom was an educator, I never really had just plain old games growing up. Anytime that I wasn’t playing that game, I was pretending I was a secretary for some big company pecking away at the giant keyboard. Now, using the internet on the computer would not happen for SEVERAL years in the future.It was around 2005 when we got dial up internet, but I didn’t like the sound and NEVER used it. It was 2010 until I got a faster internet at my house through Verizon. When 4th grade rolled around, I remember using the internet for one of the first times and actually understanding more about what it was. I distinctly remember using the Netscape browser that displayed a spinning globe in the top left corner of the screen while your page was loading.  Although all of these are memories with computers, the one that I remember most in detail was my first major computer mistake. Soon after we had just gotten our computer for the home, I made my first “boo boo” One day, my grandfather told my mom that he would watch me while she went to the store. I told Be-Buddy that I was going to get on the computer. Like most old men, he was leary about me using it. “Please don’t get on there, if you break it, I wont know how to fix it until your mother gets home” Needless to say, my young mind didn’t care, there was no way I could break this thing. As if his threat wasn’t enough, instead of staying to my safe Rugrat game icon, I thought it would be wise to start just clicking around on things. Before long, I found one with a yellow telephone. I thought to myself “how useful is this, an address book for the computer.” I clicked on the icon and a screen popped up. Hmm, what number should I put in first. I didn’t really know many numbers but I did know 911, that mom had told me about. I quickly entered it and pushed the big yellow phone button on the screen. Within seconds, I was talking to an operator, “911 what’s your emergency?” My heart sunk into my chest and I tried to look for the button to hang up. I pushed it, no one was there, and grandpa was successfully still watching TV. Thank goodness, I went to my room to act like it never happened but within the next few minuets  the phone rang. With a look of disgust on his face, my grandpa handed over the phone receiver to me. I had to explain myself to the operator, i don’t remember a thing he said I was crying so hard. When I hung up the phone, I went to my room to prepare for my death that mom was going to dish at me later. I laid on my bed for what seemed like days waiting for her to come home, When she did, she popped in my room, told me to never do it again, and I was in the clear. Ahhh RELIEF. In the end, this story thought me at a young age just how many functions computers have, and all the things that you can use them for. The scary thing is, that was 10 or more years ago, just think of what they can do now. Not only that, this story made me mindful of what buttons to go pushing on. After this, it was a long time before I went exploring on my PC again. PC has shaped my life, though the different ways that I use it. This goes back to displacement theory we learned in class. I might not necessarily be replacing different technologies to fill my time, but I did change my use of a particular technology. When I was a child, I used it for games. When I got into middle school I used to to write some papers, but mainly to instant message people on the weekends. In high school, I was using it on Facebook, and in college, I’m using it for school work again. So say I had 20 minuets a day to play games when I was a kid, well once I hit the middle school age, I used 10 minuets for gaming and the other 10 for chatting. One of the interesting things to me is how may important life-changing moments I have had on a computer. For example, when I got my first boyfriend, he asked me out over an e-mail, (he’s a keeper I know, NOTED: that I said first, not current haha) I also applied for the colleges I wanted to go to over the internet, and talked to my cousin over seas on the computer.People meet there spouse on the computer these days! So many monumental things for me have developed around the PC, and I can’t wait to see what else I will do with it in the future. 

Communication Blog #5

Where to begin, after reading the article for class, I felt depressed. From a young age, I have been told that I have an old soul, and its true, I love old things. I do stay up to date on technology but it is only because I feel like I have to. Especially being a communication major, its my job to study and understand how people communicate. Now more than ever, people are not communicating face to face but instead its through technological means. The author brought up a great point: without staying up to date on technology that you would would fall behind, and not be able to communicate with others, especially those of a younger generation. Orderly people think that young people should adapt to them and their way of living but in reality when has the younger generation done this before? never. I was on my way to work the other day when I herd on the radio about a lady who was 104, went to sign up for a Facebook, but the age category only went back for far.  Facebook fixed the problem and she is on there today. I think this is great that she is showing initiative to stay connected with society even in her very old age. She is literally one in a million. As frightening as what the author has to say is, I agree 100%

An example of this with my family would be when the radio came out. I can remember my grandmother talking about how her parents didn’t want her to start listening to it because they didn’t know what information she would be hearing, specifically when music like Elvis came out other than that the church hymns her family was used to her listening to. I’m sure that this new technology was scary. Another example of this would be when cell phones came out. Its funny because there is always some new form of technology coming out and yet our parents want to compare their use of that technology to you. This might seem complicated, let me explain. When I was in 8th grade, I asked for a cell phone. This was crazy to my parents “When I was your age, I never dreamed of having a cell phone, I didn’t get a cell phone until I was 27” Now, I have the same mentality when my cousin in 6th grade asked for an IPad  I think to myself “Well, I didn’t get one of those until I was in college” Even though we want to compare it to when we received something, we forget how much the world around us has changed since that time.

In closing, I know that when I get old, I will want to be lazy and stop keeping up with technology because frankly, that’s how I feel now. Things that are old are such a rarity these days, and I am a person who really appreciates them.  Nothing is more special to me than an old fashioned letter written with a plain ole pen instead of an e-mail or text. It looks like after reading this article, I might not have a choice. 

Social Consumer

According to our book, a Social Consumer is someone who uses social media for shopping or consulting with social media before making purchasing choices. This might include shopping online or using Groupon, or using Facebook/ Twitter to decide what you want to buy. Now more than ever I am a social consumer. I for one,love to use Facebook to influence my purchasing choices. Now, more than ever sites are tracking your past purchases and gearing advertising towards your likes. When I am on Facebook, I love to look at the ads on the side to see what they are suggesting for me. The ads on the side take out the effort for me looking for things that I like because the computer does it for me. I also find it very important to read online customer reviews and see what other people are talking and tweeting about. I am much more likely to purchase something that people have positive comments about. In this day and age, it is hard to not be a social consumer. When purchasing a product these days, I would say that about half of the things I buy are because I see them online in an ad or because I looked them up on the actual website and read the customer reviews. I found two great info-graphics about social consumers. and

Something OLD Something New

From a young age I have always been told, “Cady you have an old soul.” I never really realized what it meant when I was a child, but now I realize what everyone means. I have an appreciation for old things, I act older than a actually am, and I love to making old things new. Not many weeks into my college career, I gained the nick name “Mom” This might bother some people, but I personally loved it, I love cooking and cleaning and caring for others. When I was a child, I went to school in another state than where I lived because my mother was a school teacher there. I was also an only child. When it came to hanging out with other children, I simply wasn’t around them, it was always adults. Growing up in a family where tradition plays a big part, certain activities and old time ways of doing things have been passed down from generation to generation. I appreciate simpler times, I would be perfectly content without new technology and living in a little farm home in the middle of no where. I believe these are just a few of the reasons that people say that I have an old soul. The main reason I think that people say this, is because of all the old things I make new, or try to bring back. Almost everyday, I have something on the is old, or that used to belong to my grandmother, or aunts. Nothing is more fun to me than to get a new outfit and then pair it with something old that you think has no use anymore. Many times, things that are old come back in style anyways. Sometimes, you should look at see what is in-style and then go shopping at a thrift store to try to find similar looking items. Here are some pictures of me wearing old items with new things… Image

In the picture above, I have on a black necklace that was my 50 years old aunts when she was in high school.

ImageIn the above picture, I am holding a purse that I found for $1 at goodwill! I love old things. Someone else I found who shares this love with me is a girl who writes a blog called ReFashionista, here is a link to her website, you should check it out. I hope you have enjoyed this link and these pictures and that they inspire you to get in touch with your old soul. 

Comm Blog Number 4

When it comes to home video technology in our lives, I think it is very important. There are so many ways to make videos these days, it has both positive and negative effect on our lives. In order to fully understand the importance of this technology today, think about how we use it differently from the past. When a husband finds out that his wife’s water just broke, 20 years ago, he wouldn’t have time to get out a tripod, and set up a camera to ask her how she is feeling and catch the moment. Now, with smartphones, he can capture the moment on the way to the hospital in the cab. There are so many moments that happen like this everyday that years ago we could never capture, and now we are. Think about moments like natural disasters that we are able to document. We could even go so far as so say that sometimes, these videos when spread fast enough could save someones life. If they are not saving lives, they are documenting them. For example, what if your plane was going to crash. Before smartphones, you would not be able to tell your loved ones how much you love them.

As with any forms or technology, there are always negatives, and ways to abuse them. More than ever people are being video taped without their content. Sometimes, people are collecting footage of them without them even knowing it. There is no telling how many sexual crimes are performed everyday of men filming women without them knowing it. Or even sexual predictors filming young children. This is just brushing on the crime that occurs from this new technology. Also, take a moment to think about all of the movies, or sporting good events that they ask you not to film and people still do. The possibilities are endless.  

Moving on, I don’t think that everyone knows what they are doing when it comes to professional quality film. I think that most people know the basics like being up close to hear the volume, centering the topic being filmed in the center of the screen, and making sure that lighting is okay. When it comes to adding effects and other basic things, people as a whole are not well informed. I personally have taken more than one multi-media class, so I do know how to use these things to a certain extent. In this day and age, it is necessary for you to know basic video making skills especially when looking for a job in social media. Communication majors should know how to do this because making videos are just another form of communicating. Here at Louisville, they suggest you to take a video communications class for the major.

Derby Festival!

For my second blog that I am finishing oh so late. I changed the topic to Derby Festival after today’s discussion. One of my favorite things that I liked about the Derby Festival’s social media efforts were their pre-made hash-tags. I think this is such a good idea to get people talking about events way before they even happen. Continuing about the hash-tags,  another important thing that they are doing is having several hash-tags for the event instead of one for the entire festival. In doing so, they are hitting their target marketing more specifically then having one umbrella to cover them all. I didn’t realize that they had that many events. I can’t imagine how frustrating it would be to follow a twitter account looking for specific information for an event when you have tons of other irrelevant information on there too. Now, they can give the people the information they need, making them more prone to use the account. I have never had anyone comment on my blogs before so in order to try to get people responding, please comment below on your favorite part of the Kentucky Derby Festival. Not sure what you should be looking forward to? check out their website.


Thunder Over Louisville, is my favorite event!

Comm Blog

The theory that I choose to use in this blog relating to television is the displacement theory. According to what we have been learning in class, the displacement theory suggests that when we start to use a new technology, we replace that with another technology that we used to use. For example, it might mean that when the iPod came out, you replaced listening to the radio with this new technology. When it comes to television, at first I thought that I disagreed with this theory. It suggests that instead of spending all my time watching TV,  since Facebook came out I use my spare time on that instead. As we speak, I am on Facebook on one tab, watching reruns of Love it or List it on TV, and working on my blog. Therefore, you can see why I said that I disagreed with it. I didn’t replace television  with Facebook, instead I was doing both. But the deeper I thought about things, I realized that it was true because even thought I was doing many things, I was truly only focus on one. Just like I am writing this blog right now and watching TV, I can’t tell you what commercial just came on or what the lady on the show has said for the past few minutes  If anything it is background noise. In order to look at this idea some more, I looked up multi-tasking online and found this article:

After reading this, I would say that I for sure agree with this displacement theory’s idea or replacing one thing with another. What does this mean for the future of television  will other technologies cause it to not be used at all. No way. It is true that I am on here and not paying attention to the TV as much, but it for sure has the ability to take my attention off the computer at anytime, if something interesting comes on my attention shifts back to the TV. Also, for older generations, TV is still their main focus, and as I grow older, I am sure I will slack off on Facebook and more into the television realm myself.




It’s that time of the week again when I don’t know what I should talk about for my blog. Usually, I just look around the room I am sitting in and find some inspiration. Tonight, while looking around my cat Pete came up at sat right next to me, just begging me to write about him. 

Pete is my long-haired Tuxedo cat that I got this past summer. Working at a vet clinic for just a few short weeks, and being left alone in my apartment, it was only a matter of time before I got a pet. One week at the clinic, a small kitten was dropped off on our doorstep. It was put in a cage and put in the lobby for sale. I told myself that if it was still in the cage at the end of the week, I would take it home. Friday afternoon came and it was still there, 5 minuets before closing someone came in and took the kitten. Heart broken, I took my time card and went to the back to leave. Walking down the hallway, one of the doctors walked out of the treatment room with the most beautiful cat I had ever seen. She then went on to explain that he belonged to an elderly lady that had to go to the nursing home and had left him at the clinic. He has been there for 3 weeks just sitting in the cage, waiting for someone to take him home. I then when on to ask why he wasn’t put up for adoption like the rest of the cats that are dropped of at the clinic. The doctor went on to tell me that Pete has feline aids. I didn’t even know that it existed. Because of his illness, he cannot live with other cats because he could give it to them. I didn’t know all the details of his disease, but I knew that I already loved this cat so I decided to take him home. You would think a cat with a sickness would be skinny and sickly, Pete on the other hand is anything but. 

Soon after getting Pete, I started to do some research on feline aids. I found this website to be helpful, It was good to know that Pete could live a healthy mostly likely normal span life with love and care, and that he gets every day. In closing to this blog, if you find a pet that has feline aids and are worried about taking it home, check out the website above and take the plunge. I promise it will be well worth it. 

ImageImageLooking to adopt a pet? Check out your local Human Society…



Tweet Tweet

In our social media class, we have recently been talking a lot about blogging and mirco-blogging which includes Twitter. Before this class, I hardly ever tweeted, and to be honest, unless we have to for class I still rarely do. For some reason I just don’t want everyone to know what I am doing. Not to mention that fact that I have too many other things to do, than to update the world on it every few minutest. When I saw that I had to write a blog on this topic, I wasn’t sure what I was going to talk about since I’m not that involved with it, but luckily I found an article on ABC news about an issue that Twitter has been having. Apparently, it is not uncommon for this message to pop up Twitter these days:PHOTO: Twitter's Fail Whale appears when the site goes down.For one, I do love the “Fail Whale” I think that is such a cute idea, but then again its probably because I am not actually experiencing a problem. The main point that I am getting to by showing this box is how crazy it is to think that there were so many people trying to post information at one time that it crashed a website. The amount of information that was trying to be posted at that one time blows my mind.  I know the internet is full of information but when you think about it, its like survival of the fittest out there. Unless your information is more useful and easily found by people, then its almost pointless to put the information on the internet in the first place. No wonder we have classes like this one in order to help generate ideas and make you stand out among the rest. To read the entire article, here is the link: